Invited Book Chapter: “Daddy, My Brother Barack and Me”

Invited Book Chapter: “Daddy, My Brother Barack and Me”

Publication No. 19 Invited Book Chapter Title: BET on Black: African-American Women Celebrate Fatherhood in the Age of Barack Obama, edited by Kenrya Rankin Naasel, Contributed “Daddy, My Brother Barack and Me.” (Memphis: Kifani Press, October 2013). Author(s) Lamb, Yanick Rice Published by Kifani Press Role I was one of nearly two dozen women invited to submit a chapter about their fathers, brothers, sons and mates to highlight the contributions of black men in our lives. Synopsis Sibling rivalry was never really a problem for me, but all that changed when my father stood me up for Thanksgiving. On the eve of Turkey Day, I developed a case of Obama envy. You’ve heard of “outside children?” Well, President Barack Obama has an outside family. He has two dads: Barack Hussein Obama Sr. and a surrogate, William Radford Rice, the father he “stole” from me during his first run for the White House. Daddy Rice helped him get there. Like any good father, he always believed that Barack was “The One.” He talked about him incessantly and told everyone he would become the first black president of the United States. Daddy had been saying this long before Barack’s run for Congress, breakout speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 and radio rebuttal to one of President Bush’s weekly radio spiels. Click here to read more.  Impact/Recognition This book won the 2014 Independent Publisher Book Award and has been praised for shattering stereotypes about black men and black fathers. My chapter explored my bond with my father despite divorce and distance, against the backdrop of Barack Obama’s first campaign...
Invited Book Chapters: Haternation

Invited Book Chapters: Haternation

Publication No. 20 Invited Book Chapters Lamb, Y.R. (October 2012).“Obamacare and the Wizards of Bad Behavior” and “The Art of the Diss.” Haternation: How Racism & Incivility Are Dividing Us. Foote, N., ed. University of North Texas. Publisher’s Synopsis HaterNation: How Incivility & Racism Have Divided Us is an anthology of insightful essays compiled by veteran journalist, author and educator Neil Foote of the University of North Texas. The re-election of President Barack Obama has continued to fuel an uncivil and hateful tone that’s not becoming of America. Some of the nation’s top journalists and thought leaders discuss how incivility has become too commonplace, fueling hate and racist acts in a country that just four years ago celebrated the notion of a “post racial” America. Impact This ebook has been praised for adding context and analysis on race relations and the impact of the nation’s first black president. I was invited to write two essays on some of the myths surrounding the Affordable Care Act in “Obamacare and the Wizards of Bad Behavior” and another on subtle and overt racism against President Barack Obama in “The Art of the Diss.” Chapter 6: “Obamacare and the Wizards of Bad Behavior” Chapter 8: “The Art of the Diss” These publication meet criteria No. 10 set forth on page 10 in Appendix A of Recommendation 305-2015as an Exemplary Creative/Professional Activity: Criteria No. 10. Authorship of works such as articles, reviews, commentaries, multimedia, and/or other creative projects published or broadcast locally, nationally or internationally in newspapers, magazines, popular or industry-specific media (e.g., PR Tactics, JAE, Folio, AJR, CJR etc.) or on the Internet if they...
Refereed Book Chapter: The Seven Sisters and Their Siblings Go Digital

Refereed Book Chapter: The Seven Sisters and Their Siblings Go Digital

Publication No. 6 Refereed Book Chapter Title: Lamb, Y.R., and Desrosiers, K. (2013). “The Seven Sisters and Their Siblings Go Digital: An Analysis of Women’s Magazine Content on Websites, iPads and Cell Phones.” Langmia, K., Tyree, T.C.M., O’Brien, P. and Sturgis, I., eds. Social Media: Pedagogy and Practice. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, Ltd. Author(s) Lamb, Yanick Rice and Desrosiers, Kendra Published by New York: Rowman and Littlefield, Ltd Abstract For more than a century, a group of women’s magazines known as the Seven Sisters have been leaders in their category. Since the onset of the women’s movement, their relevance has been questioned and one of the sisters has died. This research paper will seek to determine if the magazines are effectively using websites, cell phones and tablets based on a multi-platform analysis of content as well as mobile, app and website usability frameworks. Click here to read the chapter as a post or PDF: 13-Chapter Eight – Lamb Desrosiers Role I co-authored one of 13 peer-reviewed chapters, edited by Kehbuma Langmia and Tia C.M. Tyree, associate professors in the Department of Strategic, Legal and Management Communications at Howard University; Pamela C. O’Brien, associate professor and chair of the Department of Communications at Bowie State University; and Ingrid Sturgis, associate professor of new media in the Department of Media, Journalism and Film at Howard University. According to the editors, “Social Media: Pedagogy and Practice examines how interactive technologies can be applied to teaching, research and the practice of communication. This book demonstrates how social media can be utilized in the classroom to build the skill sets of students going into journalism,...
Coverage of Affordable Care Act

Coverage of Affordable Care Act

Publication No. 21 Research and Reporting on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  Role Researcher, reporter and photographer Impact This collection of research and reporting on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is noteworthy because of the historic nature and importance of health reform as well as the vital need to enhance understanding and awareness among citizens, regardless of their stance. These articles brought much-needed attention to unreported and underreported aspects of health reform. They also provided customized content relevant to African Americans. They are an outgrowth of my initial coverage of the inaugural three-day arguments at U.S. Supreme Court and later challenges there. In both cases, I was one of just a few African-American journalists credentialed to cover the proceedings. My work has appeared in a variety of publications and websites before, during and after the hearings, which have also been highlighted in my classes at Howard University as well as with high school students in the Urban Health Media Project under our $300,000 Kellogg grant. My research and preparation also included participation in a National Press Foundation webinar, seminars sponsored by the Association of Health Care Journalists and Kaiser Health News, along with a White House town hall and briefings with the Secretary of Health and other cabinet members. I conducted some of the reporting with support from the Journalists in Aging Fellows Program, a project of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA)  and New America Media, with funding from the Silver Century Foundation. The components of this compilation have had widespread distribution, including:, the companion site for the Tom Joyner Morning Show, the No. 1...

Publication No. 1 Creative Works Media Production: Web Development Title:  Co-Principal Investigator and Co-founder: Lamb, Yanick Rice Contribution I’ve been involved in research and development of a digital network that addresses health disparities by targeting African-American women age 35 and older. The core of the network is a health and wellness website,, which is supplemented by face-to-face interaction, social media and eventually customized apps. Fierce also puts us at the forefront of digital media entrepreneurship at a time when African Americans are woefully under-represented and overlooked. Synopsis When it comes to health and many other areas, women are the decision makers and influencers. Healthy women mean healthy families and healthy communities. Fierce is an exciting, digital network that fills a void in the media landscape by helping busy, dynamic black women in the prime of their lives be healthy, fit and fabulous. Fiercehelps women and their families break the cycle of health disparities, which is literally a matter of life or death in many cases. Impact/Recognition is revolutionary because women’s magazines and websites tend to focus disproportionately on beauty, fashion and entertainment. In this youth-obsessed world, they are also lacking in content and images featuring black women who are 35 and older. My co-founder and I bring years of trust and experience in health journalism from publications ranging from Essenceand Heart & Soulto Healthand Scientific American. For years, women have been begging us to develop the equivalent of a “black Moremagazine.” (Morefocused primarily on white women over 40.) No other media outlets offer the in-depth, journalistic analysis on health and well-being that Fierce provides, along with consistent access...