The requirements for promotion from tenured associate professor to full professor are set forth in Recommendation 306-2015 and the departmental Guidelines for Creative Achievement in Appendix A. Taken together, these documents offer examples of scholarly and creative activities that have been deemed “exemplary” and “high” as determined by the faculty, peer institutions and best practices of the discipline.
I have a solid record in teaching, research/creative work and service — all of which have consistently been measured as high, outstanding or exemplary in annual evaluations. This is reflected in the summary below and throughout this portfolio, also accessible by hyperlinks in this document. Please note that professional development is now evaluated as part of teaching, research/creative work and service. However, my professional development activities are also grouped in a separate section because of overlaps and to make it easier to find everything in one place.
The journalism section on page 7 of Appendix A also notes the following:
While length may be a consideration, it should not be the overriding consideration in evaluating a piece of work. What is more important is the quality of the work and its impact on public debate and to what degree it speaks for the voiceless in underserved communities. A series of short pieces that are timely can make as valuable a contribution as a book, which can take months or years before it reaches the public.
On promotion from tenured associate professor to full professor, Recommendation 306-2015 states the following in Sections VII.D.1-3 (page 15) and X.B.1-5. (page 19):
Section VII.D.1: Degree Requirements
The candidate shall possess … a master’s degree and professional distinction at the national or international level.
I earned a Master of Business Administration from Howard University in 2005, and I am in my second year of the Doctoral Program in Medical Sociology. My “professional distinction at the national level” is based on 38 years of extensive experience and exemplary achievements in academia and at top-tier journalism organizations as detailed in my curriculum vitae. I have a national reputation and respect as an educator and a journalist who has integrity, high standards and a track record of excellence. This includes positions at leading publications, ranging from the New York Timesto Essence. I am also one of the few African-Americans to serve as editor-in-chief of one or more national magazines, such as BET Weekend and Heart & Soul, where I was also served as vice president, associate publisher and editorial director.
As chair of the Department of Media, Journalism and Film, I represent one of the leading communication programs in the country — one of only three accredited in the Washington area. I have collaborated with faculty and leveraged my network to enhance visibility and opportunities for our audio, television, film and journalism programs. In my discipline, I have been a leader in ensuring that the journalism program continues to rank in the top 20 nationally by USA Today and College Factual.
Here are highlights of my national distinction:
- Journalism Education: I am regularly invited to discuss journalism education at sessions sponsored by the Association for Education in Mass Communications (AEJMC), the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and other organizations. In 2013, I received the AEJMC Council of Affiliates Second Annual Industry Research Award. AEJMC also presented me with a certificate for incorporating social media in the classroom.
Leadership and Experience: I am chair of the Department of Media, Journalism and Film in the Cathy Hughes School of Communications at Howard University, one of the leading programs in the country. For a half century, Howard has been the top producer of African Americans in communications. I am recognized as a leader in magazine journalism as one of a handful of editors who have been at the helm of multiple national publications and websites. I continue to as a judge for the prestigious National Magazine Awards, sponsored by the American Society of Magazine Editors. Before switching to magazines, I worked at some of the leading newspapers in the world, including the New York Times, the Atlanta Constitution and the Atlanta Journal. I also have significant experience in digital and social media. I co-authored a “Digitally Speaking” column for Howard Magazine.
Recognition: I was interviewed for The HistoryMakers video oral history collection, which was recently acquired by the Library of Congress. I am featured as an EducationMaker and MediaMaker. I’ve also received several NABJ Salute to Excellence Awards, and my students have been honored with awards from AEJMC, Hearst and the Society of Professional Journalists under my supervision. I have also received a number of fellowships as indicated on my CV.
- Public speaking: I am regular invited nationally to participate on panels and to speak at keynote lectures and forums at such venues as the White House, the Library of Congress and the National Press Club. The Executive Leadership Council invited me to speak at the main event of its invitation-only Women’s Leadership Summit for two years in a row. I participated in a successful Fireside Chat in Chicago with economist Julianne Malveaux, then president of Bennett College.
Discussed media with Dr. Julianne Malveaux, then president of Bennett College, in Executive Leadership Council’s Fireside Chat in Chicago. Center: ELC’s Leilani Brown, chief marketing officer, Starr Companies. (Photo: Dot Ward)
The next year, ELC invited me to lead a lively forum on black women and power with Johnson Publishing executives Linda Johnson Rice and Desiree Rogers at the Women’s Leadership Summit in Minneapolis the following year. I was the keynote speaker at the University of Toledo for its Black History Month luncheon, which had more than 600 attendees. I also spoke during the Sunday service at the Historic Third Baptist Church, Scott High School and the Ella P. Stewart Girls Academy. During my visit, I received proclamations from the Ohio House of Representatives and the Toledo City Council. In 2016, I received similar proclamations as part of my Distinguished Service to Humanity Award from Project GRAD.
- Interviews: I am frequently approached for interviews on news of the day, education or various aspects of journalism. I am listed in CNN’s database as a potential source. Other media outlets that have contacted me include CBS, ABC, BET, WHUR-FM, KISS-FM in New York City, Diverse Issues in Higher Education and, the website of the nationally syndicated “Tom Joyner Morning Show.” Below is an interview by the German television network Deutsche Welle on “robot journalism.”
ROBOT JOURNALISM: Advertising and readership challenges amid the current media revolution were topics of the World Newspaper Congress in Italy. To coincide with the congress, the Deutsche Welle television network interviewed Yanick Rice Lamb at Howard University and other media experts about the controversial changes at companies such as Forbes to use algorithms to report certain stories and what these techniques mean for the future of journalism. The segment appeared on “Journal,” which is based in Deutsche Welle’s multimedia newsroom in Berlin. “Journal” reports on international news in German, English, Spanish and Arabic. (Click on the arrow or on the words “Robot Journalism” in the lower left corner of the video to watch.)
@yrlamb Chair, Dept. of Media, Journalism and Film
Howard University presenting her thoughtful analysis/comment on #Woodhull2 findings at the @PressClubDC today.— Barbara Glickstein (@BGlickstein) May 8, 2018
Section VII.D.2: Teaching
The candidate shall have at least five (5) years of prior teaching experience at an excellent level of proficiency.
- I have had 17 years of consistently strong teaching evaluations since joining Howard in 2001. My annual teaching evaluations by the school-wide and departmental APT committees, previous chairs and deans have been consistently rated as outstanding or exemplary.
- My peer evaluations by faculty members have been in the 90th
- My cumulative student evaluations average 4 (Effective) on a scale of 5 (Very Effective), which is above the mid-point of 3 for Satisfactory or Moderately Effective.
- In addition to my international teaching award, my students have won top honors for work under my supervision, including recognition from AEJMC, the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), the Hearst Foundation, the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and the National HBCU Student News Media Awards from the Black College Communication Association (BCCA).
- Some of the national organizations above have invited me to speak about my teaching techniques, curriculum enhancements, best practices in experiential learning, making the transition from the newsroom the classroom, and effectively reaching millennials and Generation Z.
Section VII.D.3: Research and Creative Activities

Yanick Rice Lamb shared early results of her research on the digital strategies of several national magazines. (Photo credit: George Daniels/University of Alabama)
Within the last six (6) years, the candidate shall have:some
- One peer-reviewed book
- Media productions (as described in Appendix A.)
- Published or accepted for publication some combination of the following, which must total five (5) quality publications:
- Book chapter(s)
- Refereed articles in legitimate journals
I have exceeded this requirement by submitting 29 research/creative activities, including peer-reviewed media productions, book chapters and articles that have been published or accepted for publication over the last six years in accordance with Recommendation 306-2015 and Appendix A. My overall research evaluations by the school-wide and departmental APT committees, previous chairs and deans for the past six years have averaged 4.69 out of 5, or 94 percent.
Section X.B.4: Service
The candidate must have provided significant university and/or related community service as determined by the department forwarding the recommendation.
- My overall service evaluations by the school-wide and departmental APT committees, previous chairs and deans have consistently been rated as outstanding or exemplary.
- My service activities include serving as chair and interim assistant chair of the Department of Media, Journalism and Film; co-chair of the Reaccreditation Committee; School of Communications representative on the University’s Budget Advisory Council; Faculty Senate alternate; Journalism Sequence Coordinator; adviser of 101 Magazine, and; speaker at annual Career Day programs for public schools throughout the region; volunteer at soup kitchens to feed the homeless; and judge for the National Magazine Awards, the White House Correspondents Association awards competitions, the National Association of Black Journalists’ Salute to Excellence and the National Newspaper Publishers Association Merit Awards.
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