Refereed Book Chapter: Magazines and Consumer Lifestyle

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Refereed Book Chapter: Magazines and Consumer Lifestyle

Publication No. 5

Routledge Handbook of Magazine ResearchRefereed Book Chapter

Lamb, Y.R. (2015). “Communication and Consumer Lifestyle Behavior.” The Routledge Handbook of Magazine Research: The Future of the Magazine Form: Research Perspectives and Prospects. Abrahamson, D. and Prior-Miller, M., eds. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Author(s) Lamb, Yanick Rice 

Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group


I wrote one of 33 peer-reviewed chapters, examining scholarly research on magazines that subscribe to a consumerist philosophy and that are marketed to the general public.

Click here to read the manuscript.

Application of Theory

This chapter examines consumer magazines through a research review and historical analysis. It explores research focusing on the interplay between magazines and consumer lifestyles — how magazines covered and often influenced consumer lifestyles as well as how consumer lifestyles influenced the content in magazines. A common thread in the literature is how readers increasingly came to be viewed and valued as consumers, particularly as potential buyers of the products and services advertised in magazines. In the process, magazines stimulated consumptive behavior by playing to the needs and wants of consumers. These consumer magazines help to create and feed reader appetites for esteem and enjoyment — whether readers aspired to the lifestyles featured in the publications and whether they could afford to obtain or maintain them.

Publisher’s Description

Scholarly engagement with the magazine form has, in the last two decades, produced a substantial amount of valuable research. Authored by leading academic authorities in the study of magazines, the chapters in The Routledge Handbook of Magazine Research not only create an architecture to organize and archive the developing field of magazine research, but also suggest new avenues of future investigation. Each of 33 chapters surveys the last 20 years of scholarship in its subject area, identifying the major research themes, theoretical developments and interpretive breakthroughs. Exploration of the digital challenges and opportunities which currently face the magazine world are woven throughout, offering readers a deeper understanding of the magazine form, as well as of the sociocultural realities it both mirrors and influences.

The book includes six sections:

Methodologies and structures presents theories and models for magazine research in an evolving, global context.

Magazine publishing: the people and the work introduces the roles and practices of those involved in the editorial and business sides of magazine publishing.

Magazines as textual communication surveys the field of contemporary magazines across a range of theoretical perspectives, subjects, genre and format questions.

Magazines as visual communication explores cover design, photography, illustrations and interactivity.

Pedagogical and curricular perspectives offers insights on undergraduate and graduate teaching topics in magazine research.

The future of the magazine form speculates on the changing nature of magazine research via its environmental effects, audience, and transforming platforms.


Posted on

June 23, 2017

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