Research and Reporting on Health and Fitness

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Research and Reporting on Health and Fitness

Publication No. 23

Creative Work/Article Collection

Research and Reporting on Health and Fitness 


Researcher and writer


This collection of research and reporting on health and fitness is noteworthy because of the scope and reach of the publications; their individual and collective impact; and their societal, journalistic and historical contributions. These articles bring much-needed attention to unreported and underreported topics. This is significant, because coverage of such topics can increase understanding among various segments of the population; present solutions to problems; or stimulate efforts to solve them.

Members of the general public as well as some medical experts have come to respect and value my body of work on health care and social issues. My work has stood out for my ability to review the literature and sort through the research to write, assign and edit relevant and reader-friendly articles. I am able to translate medical jargon and complex information into lay terms while writing articles that also resonate with the medical community or elected officials. This includes several articles for, ranging from the salt in children’s diets to the mental health effects of televised tragedies, such as the Boston Marathon bombing.

With the onslaught of bad news about health and disparities, I’ve been praised for effectively reaching people where they are and providing different points of entry to news and information about healthy lifestyles. That means I know when to convey serious news — straight no chaser — or when to take a lighter approach that might help to alleviate stress (a risk factor for a host of diseases) or to encourage someone to get off the couch and move.

The articles on the International AIDS Conference are significant because of the disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS on people of color throughout the world, the lack of understanding of the disease, stigma and the lack of awareness on promising developments. In addition, this was the first time that the conference had been held in the United States in two decades. The conference consumed the entire Washington Convention Center as well as other venues. The scope of the conference, along with the intricacies of HIV/AIDS required extensive research beforehand, careful analysis in determining the significance of the findings presented, and measured reporting in telling what was noteworthy.

Some of these articles on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health have been widely distributed through outlets such as:

  •, the companion site for the Tom Joyner Morning Show, the No. 1 nationally syndicated radio programs with nearly 8 million listeners and 1.5 million unique visitors monthly on its website
  •, formerly a division of MSNBC: 654,399 unique visitors monthly and 1.5 million page views
  • 100,000 unique visitors
  • Afro-American Newspapers12,767 in print; on the web, 7,070 daily unique visitors and 35,350 page views
  • National Newspaper Publishers Association: circulates to 200 member newspapers

Representative Samples

This collection meets criteria No. 10 set forth on page 10 in Appendix A of Recommendation 305-2015 as an Exemplary Creative/Professional Activity:

Criteria No. 10. Authorship of works such as articles, reviews, commentaries, multimedia, and/or other creative projects published or broadcast locally, nationally or internationally in newspapers, magazines, popular or industry-specific media (e.g., PR Tactics, JAE, Folio, AJR, CJR etc.) or on the Internet if they demonstrate high standards in the practice of the discipline. This can include:

  • A collection of short reported pieces about a single subject or a substantive collection on diverse subjects.

Posted on

August 10, 2018

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