2018-19. $8,800 social justice investigative reporting fellowship and grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) and the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University, as part of a nationally competitive journalism initiative funded by the Ford Foundation.
- 2016-18. W.K. Kellogg Grant; $300,000 to develop the Urban Health Media to train high school students to cover health disparities in Washington and Baltimore under the leadership of Howard University Trustee Reed Tuckson, M.D., and Jayne O’Donnell, USA Today, health-care reporter, in collaboration with Morgan State University.
- 2016, NBCUniversal Grant; $5,000 to sponsor “NewsVision” on WHUT-TV. (Collaborated with Professor Jennifer Thomas, executive director and instructor)
- 2015-16, Online News Association Challenge Fund for Innovation in Journalism Education Grant; $35,000 to develop TruthBeTold.news, a student-run fact-checking website.
- 2013, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, one of five Summer Faculty Scholars Fellowships, $2,500 for “Telling Our Stories: Black Journalists Past and Present” to be presented during the MSRC Fall Colloquium series.
- 2012, AEJMC Council of Affiliates, one of three proposals selected for the Second Annual Industry Research Forum Award; $1,000 for “All the News That Fits on Tablets: An Analysis of News Consumption and Best Practices” to be presented at national AEJMC conference, August 2013 in Washington, D.C.
Ongoing applications and letters of inquiry, along with visits to the Foundation Center.
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